Adorable rapper Snoop Dogg in new form

The artist Snoop Dogg has a wonderful face. In this photo, his character and attitude are as clear as his bones.

Due to his nаme, I initially thought a dog would be his spirit animal. I decided to go deeper and find inspiration in different creatures. Snoop doesn’t act or look dog-like. My strongest association was a lizard. He looks reptilian and cool. I think this monitor lizard looks like him, with its sloping forehead, tilted brow, and forward-facing lower face.

Choosing an animal or object to inspire the caricature can help you produce drаmаtic exaggerations you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise. Over time, good caricaturists have advised me to channel your subject’s resemblance and draw it first as the caricature’s foundation.

Those artists may preserve the spirit animal shape throughout the process and twist the head. They can exaggerate their caricatures so much that they look unhuman and need to be decoded. That style is appealing. However, my goal is to create realistic, easily recognized, and amusing caricatures. I employ the spirit animal shape only to produce a distinct design since my art is more realistic. I ignore the animal when it stops being helpful or damages the likeness and focus on the person.

In my Snoop sketch, I included the lizard’s forehead and eyes. Since it wouldn’t work, I drew the lower face away from the lizard head. Snoops have half-closed eyes, while the lizard has wide open ones. I couldn’t have captured Snoop’s likeness and attitude with those large round reptile eyes.