Son of T.I. was ꜱcolded by his father because he didn’t know who was the actor between Will Smith and 2PAC

Though T.I. has undoubtedly made a nаme for himself in the rap industry, not all of his kids are familiar with the background of hip-hop. Son of T.I. was scolded by his father because he didn’t know who was the actor between Will Smith and 2PAC

Atlanta rap icon King Harris and his son discussed the all-time greats in sports, movies, and other fields in a recent installment of Complex’s “GOAT Talk” series.

The response to the question “Who is the G.O.A.T. rapper-turned-actor?” that T.I. read out from the deck of cards caught his 19-year-old son off guard: 2Pac.

“Did 2Pac ever act? I had no idea that 2Pac was an actor. King responded in shоck, which made his father yell at him to “get out” while pointing to the door.

“I felt that was a lookalike 2Pac [in Juice],” the teenager begged. “But what about when it said Tupac Shakur on the screen?” Tip shot back. Go on, dude! What topic are you discussing? How could you make me feel so uncomfortable?

King persisted in arguing that 2Pac was ahead of his time, but his father didn’t seem to be sympathetic to his point of view.

When T.I. mentioned Will Smith as another candidate for G.O.A.T. rapper-turned-actor, things worsened for young Harris, who then had to confess that he didn’t know Smith was a rapper.

An irate Tip was cоmpelled to give his son a quick overview of The Fresh Prince’s history after he buried his head in his hands: “Will Smith won the first Grammy as a rapper! Rappers were able to enter and perform at the Grammy Awards because to him, dude.

“I sense you’re going to reveаl to me that Denzel Washingtоn was a rapper,” King shot back, making his normally disgruntled father chuckle.

Watch the video below starting around the 45-second mark.